Ornate Castle Modular Worldbuilder Kit

Ornate Castle Modular Worldbuilder Kit

Artist : Bigboss

Required Product :

*For CC v3.00; iC v5.50.
$53.9565% OFF
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Bigboss is extremely proud to announce the arrival of a series of absolutely outstanding and stunning creations by Arteria3D.

This is the Ornate Castle Modular Worldbuilder Kit by Arteria3D.

This beautiful Ornate Castle Modular Worldbuilder Kit gives you everything to make a realistic Ornate Castle Environment. Lots of research went into this pack, and we didn't simply want to recreate an Ornate Castle, but to actually make the Castle as it may have appeared in the Kings era.

This pack includes 57 Props including a Pre Assemble Grand Hall and Kings Hall with Interior and Exterior, Kings Tower, Round Tower, various Fortress Sub-Assemblies and Castle Base.

Note: Plants and Furniture not included. This pack can be expanded with other Worldbuilder Packs from Arteria3D.

Have fun!