Markus - The Blacksmith

Markus - The Blacksmith

Artist : Slayerazazel

Required Product :

*For CC v3.40 or above.
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  • CC Shoe (2)
  • Accessory (4)
  • CC Glove (2)
  • CC Project (2)
  • CC Cloth (6)
  • Avatar (2)

Markus - The Blacksmith (Fantasy Village Workers)

The blacksmith produces objects such as gates, grilles, railings, light fixtures, furniture, sculpture, tools, agricultural implements, decorative and religious items, cooking utensils, and weapons. 

They also have a general knowledge of how to make and repair many things, from the most complex of weapons and armor to simple things like nails or lengths of chain.

This pack includes a custom character with clothing designed specifically for this character (Clothing can also be used for any characer)


1 Markus - The Blacksmith Custom CC Project (Clothed)

1 Markus - The Blacksmith Dirty Custom CC Project (Clothed)

1 Markus - The Blacksmith Custom CC Avatar (Clothed)

​1 Markus - The Blacksmith Dirty Custom CC Avatar (Clothed)

1 Gloves (Cloth)

1 Boots (Cloth)

1 Belt (Cloth)

1 Trousers (Cloth)

1 Tunic (Cloth)

1 Bandana (Accessory)

1 Brace (Accessory)

1 Gloves_Dirty (Cloth)

1 Boots_Dirty (Cloth)

1 Belt_Dirty (Cloth)

1 Trousers_Dirty (Cloth)

1 Tunic_Dirty (Cloth)

1 Bandana_Dirty (Accessory)

1 Brace_Dirty (​Accessory)

4k Textures