Kriegsmarine Lieutenant Visor Cap

Kriegsmarine Lieutenant Visor Cap

Artist : Pixe4Fiction

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*For CC v4.41 or above; iC v8.20.
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KriegsMarine Lieutenant Visor Cap (WW2 era) also including a Wool Sweater.

Mainly known through the action of the U-boats, the members of the Kriegsmarine were the spearhead of the 3rd Reich's forces at sea at the beginning of the Second World War. Moving in "packs" and creating terrible damage to supply ships in particular, the submarines soon fell prey to the anti-submarine measures taken by the Allies in the middle of the conflict and suffered heavy losses.

This pack includes a Kriegsmarine NCO Visor Cap, in its "U-boat" version faithfully reproduced from original patterns and textures, and a Wool Sweater.

Visor Cap and Sweater also contain adjustment morphs

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