After the first female police officer was inducted in 1972, India has continued to promote female police officers through recruitment campaigns throughout the country. Today, and often in positions of high responsibility, women police officers have helped break down gender stereotypes in India.
This complete outfit pack is a faithful reproduction of the India Police Service in its female version including:
- Standard shirt
- Service pants with belt and buckle engraved with the IPS coat of arms
- 1 Blank nameplate (easily customizable with name of your choice, see tutorial)
- Royal blue "IPS" lanyard
- 1 visor cap with metal badge "IPS"
- 1 Officer's Swagger Stick
- 1 pair of "BATA" shoes
- 1 pair of rigid fabric epaulets (ajustable shoulder pads Right and Left) "Deputy Superintendent" rank
- 1 pair of unisex sunglasses with adjustable morphs
Note that the accessories (shoulder pads, swagger stick, nameplate, sunglasses,l anyard, visor cap) are also adaptable for the "MEN" version of the outfit (see link below).
Customize your nameplate very easily with the free software "KRITA"
Note also that the men's outfit has the FN-Browning 1A regulation weapon of the Indian police forces with its leather holster: the weapon is also fully animated (magazine, cartridge, barrel block, trigger tail)