Eddy Casual

Eddy Casual

Artist : BBAlley

Required Product :

*For CC v4.21 or above; iC v8.21 or above.
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Eddy Casual - Character included with CC4

Bigboss and Alley are pleased to introduce a new line of clothing designed specifically for Alika and Eddy, the stylized characters included with CC4.

This is Eddy Casual Pack from the "Alika & Eddie Series".  Along with the cloth bases, you get several pre-textured and ready to go pieces.  Each piece is fully customizable using the Substance Appearance Editor inside Character Creator.  Using the appearance editor, easily change the colour scheme or fabric to suit your own style.  We have included 2 Eddy base characters with 2 different skin tones for variety.

These toon characters use the CC4 Facial Profile and are much more expressive than the CC3 Cartoon Character Creation Kit.

Pack includes:

1) Base Character - Two characters with 2 different skin tones

2) Cloth Bases - Pants, Button Shirt, Boots, Tshirt, Polo Shirt, Vest

3) 4 Pre-textured Button Shirts

4) 4 Pre-textured Pants

5) 2 Pre-textured Pairs Boots

6) 3 Pre-textured Polo Shirts

7) 3 Pre-textured Tshirts

8) 1 Baseball Cap and 1 Cowboy Hat

9) 4 Pre-textured Vests

These Cloths were designed to best fit the CC3+_Eddy - available as a free download for CC4.

You can load the default Eddy character inside CC4 and dress with these cloths or you can start with one of the two supplied Eddy characters in this pack.  

Questions - bigboss40@videotron.ca or alley@iclonealley.com