Secret Agent Costumes & Gears

Secret Agent Costumes & Gears

Artist : adolf.antareus

Required Product :

*For iC v7.72 or above; CC v3.22 or above.
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  • Shoe (3)
  • CC Cloth (43)
    5 coats, 7 jackets, 14 pants, 8 shirts, 8 ties, 1 earphone
  • Other (18)
    Props, including the same guns, electronic, sunglasses, etc.
  • Accessory (32)
    including guns, electronic devices, sunglasses, etc.
This pack includes Secret Service outfits, as well as accessories and props with PBR textures and optimized meshes for real time animation.

Independently of the file extension, keep in mind that all the clothes and accessories are directly usable in iClone and Character Creator, just dragging and dropping the files over the characters.

The pack includes:
- 43 Cloth elements Including 5 Coats, 7 Jackets, 14 Pants, 8 shirts. 8 ties and 1 Earplug
- 3 Shoes
- 32 Accessories, including guns, electronic devices, sunglasses, etc...
- 18 Props, including the same guns, electronic, sunglasses, etc...

- Most of the accessories are also supplied as props, so they can be used independently of the characters or be automatically attached to the character. For example the Walther PPK pistol can be placed with a single click in the shirt holster, in the character’s hand or be an independent prop.

The pack also includes 6 sound effects. Two sound files for each one of the pistols, reproducing their real sound when used with, and without silencer, and another two sounds for the machine gun reproducing single shots and bursts. These sounds are automatically used when activating the scripts embedded in the guns that also create the muzzle flashes, the smoke particle effect and the ejection of the shell with the consequent slide motion.

Special features
- Modular Clothes can be applied in layers and combined at user's will.
- Softcloth physics adds realism to some of the clothes. (Character collision shapes should be properly set)
- LUA scripts embedded in several props/accessories to facilitate the animations.
- Mobile parts in the props/accessories allow actions like to detach the camera lens, to reload the gun’s magazines or to use the drone joysticks.
- Screen independent UV maps, allow inserting images or videos in the camera back display, the drone controller and mobile phone screens just dragging and dropping the files over them.
- Emissive materials illuminate the scene if iClone GI is activated.

*STANDARD and EXTENDED Licenses Now all our content packs are exportable in fbx format to game engines like Unreal or Unity, or to other animation tools like Blender, Maya or 3DMax...We have decided to include the extended Reallusion license in all our packs with no extra cost, so you are allowed to use these models in your commercial projects like video games or animated movies.

This pack needs iClone 7.7 or above and Character Creator 3.2 or above.

Additional Assets:
Secret Service Combo, Full-Size SUV, Presidential Limousine