African Zulu Hats

African Zulu Hats

Artist : Hewa' s Art

Required Product :

*For CC v4.10 or above; iC v8.10.
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  • CC Cloth (2)
  • Material Plus (4)
African Zulu Hat is called Isicholo in the traditional Zulu language and is traditionally worn during cultural and religious the married Zulu woman.

Once married, a Zulu woman would wear this hat on a daily basis to signify her married status. The hat was one of very few adornments worn by married women, who, although part of a culture where beadwork plays an extremely significant symbolic role, wore nearly none.


1 African Zulu Hats as "cloth" (CC3+ Cloth, 4K PBR materials)

For Character Creator only:

Character > Cloth (2)

Materials :

For Character Creator and iClone : Material > MaterialPlus (4)

This pack inlcudes:

Zulu Hat _L "Long"

Zulu Hat _S "Small"

Character, Outfit, Rings Not included. 4 MaterialPlus styles for Zulu Hat _S using Material/MaterialPlus files.

Zulu Hat _L Tris : 50688 

Zulu Hat _S Tris : 2132

Zulu Hats are a low Polygon for the best Rendering chnge low poly to high " Modify /Smooth Mesh/ Subdivision"

All files are located under: Cloth / Other & MaterialPlus / Hewa's Art /  Zulu Hats