10 Skies Domes HDR - Pack01

10 Skies Domes HDR - Pack01

Artist : Idjy Studio

Required Product :

*For CC v3.00; iC v5.40.
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  • Prop (10)
    10 Skies Dome HDR 2880x1440
This .HDR Pack01 is a set of 10 High Dynamic Range Skies Domes ready to animate.
Average Texture Size for sky is 2880 X 1440.
Use these Skies Domes to create atmosphere in your project.

For much better atmosphere, use .hdr file in iClone Atmosphere set-up and enabled HDR Effect and IBL on.
How to do :
1/ On Prop texture settings select diffuse then save it as .HDR format
2/ Go on Stage tab/atmosphere. Activate HDR Effect and IBL on and load the previous saved image.
3/ Personalize the atmosphere by setting up parameters.