year end treats-mobile
Oct.21 2019 - Jan.2 2020
Single purchase over $299 during the event period      TERMS AND CONDITIONS >
year end treats-elite program
When purchasing an accumulated content value of over $699 during the event period

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Selected Content

The Holiday season is coming, as we look back at 2019 we compile the most attractive and practical assets for high-quality animation production.

New Release

Big Combo


Tool Pack

2D Animation



Get Character Creator 3 Pipeline for FREE($199)

Spend Over $299 for One Order


  1. Promotion Time:October 21st, 2019 00:00 UTC to January 2nd, 2020 23:59 UTC.
  2. Offer Details: Any content purchase made in the Reallusion Content Store, excluding DA points with a SINGLE order value over $299 will qualify to receive A FREE COPY of Character Creator 3 Pipeline ($199 value) and Extra reward - The Bostonian's Fish for Celebrating the 2019 Harvest! (Know more)
  3. SINGLE orders over $299 will also accumulate towards the 2020 Elite Program.
  4. Content packs purchased from Software Bundle packages* on Software store, or from the Reallusion Marketplace, do NOT qualify for this promotion.
  5. The final sales price after all discounts and coupons have been calculated, is the value that will be accrued during this promotional period.
  6. CC3 Pipeline Delivery: Qualified members will be officially announced and contacted via email on the second week of the next month. All contacts and announcements prior to this date in regards to eligibility, are considered as a reference only, and not as part of an official announcement.
  7. In the case of refunds for purchases made during the promotional period, the refund amount will be deducted from the total value accumulated during the promotional period. If the refund is made after the promotion, resulting in a total accumulated value of less than the requirement, then the qualification and the serial number for the free copy of Character Creator 3 Pipeline Edition will be invalidated.
  8. Every Qualified member only can claim one FREE COPY of Character Creator 3 Pipeline and The Bostonian's Fish during this promotional period.(Know more)
  9. Terms and Conditions of this promotion are subject to change without notice.
* Software Bundle packages: Tool bundles with Content that are purchased in the Software Store.