iClone 插件 - 线性动态编辑器(Curve Editor),让各种经典的专业动画技法应用在您的动画创作。在时间轴选取一个动画片段或动态帧并应用线性动态来达成最佳的动画效果。让您的动画创作能完全掌控动态的节奏感与画面表现,创造流畅的电影级运镜,旋转出卡通动画的美妙弧线,并达成缓进与缓出的完美节奏。
借由 iClone 的线性动态编辑器(Curve Editor),您可以完成大部分的经典卡通动画技法,例如夸张、弧线运动、二次动态、跟随与交错...等。
The support for path animation in Curve Editor grants professional power over the timing of objects moving along a trail. Besides creating dramatic cartoony physics, it can also simulate realistic local transformations for the likes of cars, planes, birds, fishes, and other creatures.