

  • 版本:4.41 (4.41.2812.1)
  • 发行日期:2024.04.17
  • 文档大小: 142 MB
v4.4 (4.4.2405.1) 2023.12.6. 发行。
v4.33 (4.33.2315.1) 2023.11.16. 发行。
v4.33 (4.33.2302.1) 2023.11.6. 发行。
v4.32 (4.32.2212.1) 2023.10.16. 发行。
ZBrush Face Tools 1.0 兼容。
v4.31 (4.31.2001.1) 2023.08.2. 发行。
v4.3 (4.3.1815.1) 2023.06.19. 发行。
透过最新发行的 Headshot 2 插件,从任何网纹生成 3D 头部。此外,还新增多项新功能和改善。
v4.23 (4.23.1722.1) 2023.05.23. 发行。
v4.22 2023.04.13. 发行。
v4.21 (4.21.1515.1) 2023.03.16. 发行。
v4.2 (4.2.1421.1) 2023.02.23. 发行。
添加的动态皱纹系统专为任何欲升级 3D 角色和虚拟化身、数字人的专业人士与行业而设计,更拟真 ; 由脸部表情变形即时触发,添加精致的皱纹表情,让您的虚拟数字人更具真实魅力。操作直觉、可自定义,并且能够立即升级您现有的 CC 角色。
v4.12 (4.12.1125.1) 2022.11.29. 发行。
Content Manager 错误修复。
v4.12 于 2022.11.17. 发行。
v4.11 于 2022.10.17. 发行。
v4.1 于 2022.09.29. 发行。
新增重要功能,例如用于自动绑定任意角色模型的 Advanced AccuRIG、可在任何渲染器中进行高分辨率动画渲染的细分导出、人群角色优化,以及几项功能优化和错误修复。
v4.02 于 2022.07.20. 发行。
v4.01 于 2022.06.01. 发行。
v4.0 于 2022.05.12. 正式发行。
以 “一个角色,适用所有应用进程” 为目标,从第一步开始到最终渲染,Character Creator 4 (CC4) 彻底改变了现有的角色创建流程。创作者将不再局限于 CC 角色基础,任何绑定的双足模型都可以导入 CC4、角色化和面部绑定。意即通过与 iClone 8 Pro Motion Control 系统的无缝连接,任何东西都可以转化为您的 3D 角色。
更多版本历史 (英)
v4.4 (4.4.2405.1) 2023.12.6. 发行。
v4.33 (4.33.2315.1) 2023.11.16. 发行。
v4.33 (4.33.2302.1) 2023.11.6. 发行。
v4.32 (4.32.2212.1) 2023.10.16. 发行。
ZBrush Face Tools 1.0 兼容。
v4.31 (4.31.2001.1) 2023.08.2. 发行。
v4.3 (4.3.1815.1) 2023.06.19. 发行。
透过最新发行的 Headshot 2 插件,从任何网纹生成 3D 头部。此外,还新增多项新功能和改善。
v4.23 (4.23.1722.1) 2023.05.23. 发行。
v4.22 2023.04.13. 发行。
v4.21 (4.21.1515.1) 2023.03.16. 发行。
v4.2 (4.2.1421.1) 2023.02.23. 发行。
添加的动态皱纹系统专为任何欲升级 3D 角色和虚拟化身、数字人的专业人士与行业而设计,更拟真 ; 由脸部表情变形即时触发,添加精致的皱纹表情,让您的虚拟数字人更具真实魅力。操作直觉、可自定义,并且能够立即升级您现有的 CC 角色。
v4.12 (4.12.1125.1) 2022.11.29. 发行。
Content Manager 错误修复。
v4.12 于 2022.11.17. 发行。
v4.11 于 2022.10.17. 发行。
v4.1 于 2022.09.29. 发行。
新增重要功能,例如用于自动绑定任意角色模型的 Advanced AccuRIG、可在任何渲染器中进行高分辨率动画渲染的细分导出、人群角色优化,以及几项功能优化和错误修复。
v4.02 于 2022.07.20. 发行。
v4.01 于 2022.06.01. 发行。
v4.0 于 2022.05.12. 正式发行。
以 “一个角色,适用所有应用进程” 为目标,从第一步开始到最终渲染,Character Creator 4 (CC4) 彻底改变了现有的角色创建流程。创作者将不再局限于 CC 角色基础,任何绑定的双足模型都可以导入 CC4、角色化和面部绑定。意即通过与 iClone 8 Pro Motion Control 系统的无缝连接,任何东西都可以转化为您的 3D 角色。
v3.44 (3.44.4702.1) 2021.11.15. 发行。
v3.44 (3.44.4702.1) 2021.11.04. 发行。
v3.42 (3.42.4225.1) 2021.07.27. 发行。
与 NVIDIA Omniverse Audio2Face 兼容的 CC Omniverse Connector v3.43,这是一款 AI 应用进程,仅由音频即可生成富有表现力的面部动画,更多细节请参阅论坛
v3.42 (3.42.4225.1) 2021.06.29. 发行。
修复数个错误,更多细节请参阅 论坛
v3.41 (3.41.4008.1) 2021.04.12. 发行。
全新 CC Omniverse Connector 为 NVIDIA Omniverse 添加了含括动作和无限创意变化的完整角色生成系统。USD (通用场景描述) 工作流程以及与 NVIDIA 3D 协作和仿真平台的集成,简化了数字虚拟人的创作和动画制作。 更多细节请参阅 CC3.41 论坛
v3.4 (3.4.3924.1) 2021.03.24. 发行。
全新的智能毛发系统 (smart hair system) 为数字虚拟人提供了最拟真且性能友善的头发、眉毛和胡须设置。. 通过其组件设计和智能毛发着色器,用户可以轻松变化头发,并扩展头发素材库。 适用于 CC3+ 角色的全新 ExpressionPlus (ExPlus) 与 Apple ARKit 混合变形完全兼容,并呈现最佳的脸部表情。 更多详细内容请参考 CC3.4 论坛
v3.32 (3.32.3312.1) 2020-09-22 正式上线
修复数个错误。 更详细的信息请参阅 论坛.
v3.31 (3.31.3301.1) 2020-09-02 正式上线
新实施的 Substance Painter 工作流程。几个增强功能和错误修复。 更多细节请参阅CC3.31 论坛
v3.3 (3.3.3122.1) 2020-07-23 正式上线
在此版本中导入新一代数字虚拟人系统 Character Base (CC3+) 以及 SkinGen,可比以往更轻松地为不同年龄、性别和种族的角色创建皮肤细节和化妆效果。 完整系列的高端数字虚拟人辅助工具也已经正式发布,提供您最好的视觉品质和生产力。 更多细节请参阅 CC3.3 论坛
v3.22 (3.22.2618.1) 2020-02-20 正式上线
与即将推出的 Smart Gallery 插件程序兼容,以直觉的方式管理内容素材。并增强一些功能和修复错误。有关更详细的新功能,请参阅CC 3.22论坛
v3.2 (3.2.2318.1) 2019-11-18 正式上线
在3.2版中,Character Creator 3D Human Characters 配备了用于皮肤,眼睛,牙齿和头发的 Reallusion 数字人体上色器,以及 SSS(次表面散射)和 Micro Normal 技术。 为了使逼真的数字人象呈现自然的面部表情,此版本中增强了 CC3 表情数据。有关更详细的新功能,请参阅CC 3.2论坛
v3.11 (3.11.2102.1) 2019-09-10 正式上线
在此修正版中修复了许多错误。有关更详细的新功能,请参阅CC 3.1论坛
v3.1 (3.1.2019.1) 2019-08-29 正式上线
CC 3.1 可以轻松使用编辑工具优化外部素材,包括动画引擎(例如 iClone )和游戏引擎(例如 Unreal, Unity )在内的第三方工具增强了许多输出功能,重新设置 iAvatar 、FBX 输出的高级自定义设置,用于不同的引擎(例如 Unreal 手部和脚的 IK )。有关更详细的新功能,请参阅CC 3.1论坛
v3.04 (3.04.1422.1) 2019-03-13 正式上线
CC 3.04 版包括数个全新功能、改善与错误修正。例如改善了变形滑杆加载时的性能,并修正了 CC3 激活速度太慢的问题,大幅缩短进程打开的时间。在添加功能方面,M3 / V3 角色已添加至自动变形工具,可保持角色姿势以便使用 GoZ 与 OBJ 输出功能。添加 "手部姿势" 内容类型,内置七十一种免费手部姿势等等。此外,添加数个为 Unity/Unreal 制程所做的更新,让自动流程更为顺畅。"自动设置脚本及插件" 也将随此版本的更新一起释出。
v3.03 (3.03.1205.1) 2018-12-11 正式上线
v3.02 (3.01.1016.1) 2018-11-01 正式上线
CC 3.02 包含 Transformer 和 Content 的更新和错误修复。
v3.0 (3.0.0927.1) 2018-09-27 正式上线
v2.3.2420.1 patch released on 2017-12-21
Enhancement: Compatible with iClone 7.2. Fixed Bugs: Deformities arising from the use of Ayaka hand morphs on CC 1.5 embed characters. Forum
v2.3.2420.1 patch released on 2017-12-21
Enhancement: Compatible with iClone 7.2. Fixed Bugs: Deformities arising from the use of Ayaka hand morphs on CC 1.5 embed characters. Forum
v2.2.2314.1 patch released on 2017-11-16
Enhancement: Compatible with iClone 7.1. Fixed Bugs: FBX export to Lightwave not working properly. Feedback Tracker
v2.12.2104.1 patch released on 2017-09-18
Fixed Bugs: CC2 crashes when exporting character as iAvatar for iClone 6. Feedback Tracker
v2.11.1918.1 patch released on 2017-07-18
Fixed Bugs: Character Creator UI window froze upon initialization, and showed no respond to user's commands for several minutes under specific internet conditions. This was because the Program would run internet checking procedures once the PC was online. Failed to transfer Data between Character Creator, iClone, and CrazyTalk(RLHead), when changing the folder path: Preference > System > Temp Folder. PBR_V1_3MAT is missing the Spread slider under Paint Peel > Edge Peel > Peak Abrasion input channel does not show up when derived from Input for PBR_V1_5MAT and PBR_V1_7MAT Use Inputs is now the default setting for Mesh Data for RL materials [PBR_V1_3MAT, PBR_V1_5MAT, PBR_V1_7MAT] Default values for Edge Peel > Peaks & Pits have been adjusted.
v2.1.1814.1 patch released on 2017-06-20
New Features: New "Flip Normal Y" option for Normal map channel. Integrated new AO (HBAO+) under the visual panel. Added Temporal Anti-Aliasing (Alpha) option in the Preference panel to smooth out jagged edges in the viewport. Now compatible with SBSAR files made with Substance Designer 6. Enhancements: Double right click on texture channel icon to Adjust Color. Adjusting sky property is fully integrated with IBL interface, making the compositing process so much easier. Icon in the toolbar for IBL rotation. Feedvack Tracker Downgrading iAvatar to iClone version 6.5 and CC version 1.52 will still maintain hide mesh information. Feedvack Tracker Images will be in lossless format when embedded in FBX files or exported as textures. Feedvack Tracker When RL materials [PBR_V1_3MAT, PBR_V1_5MAT, PBR_V1_7MAT] are flattened, its textures will be fed into later iterations of RL material input channels. Thus, the appearance of the cloth will not change when RL materials are reapplied and will not default to blue. Added loading progress message when the application is initialized. Fixed Bugs: Launches degraded and lossy JPG textures to the image editor. Feedvack Tracker *See the entire Release Note of Character Creator 2.1 Here.
v2.01.1710.1 patch released on 2017-05-11
Enhancements: Appearance Editor will automatically only open one, instead of multiple sections, by default. Normal maps will be saved in losseless compression when saving a FBX file. The Default Calibration movements now include an A pose at the 20th frame. Models sent via the Sketchfab uploader will be set to private Draft Mode. The default bone size is set to 5 when the Pose Editor is activated. Metallic Alpha map for Unity, now exports to the "texture" folder. Fixed Bugs: Errors occur when the Floor Contact is enabled and the model is uploaded to Sketchfab. Glow texture does not automatically fill into the Substance Emissive input.
v2.0.1516.1 patch released on 2017-03-16
New Features: New real-time PBR shading system for rendering realistic Metallic and Roughness effects. With the new Image Based Lighting (IBL) system, one can use an HDR image to conveniently simulate real-world lighting. IBL has the following features:
- Supports Independent Ui for Adjust color - IBL Light hot key Shift+I for easy manipulation. - Painlessly swap out the IBL image via the Atmosphere panel. Provided a Visual panel for selecting whether to use the real-time AO (Ambient Occlusion) or the user's imported AO for adjustment. Provided a Visual panel for adjusting better shadows let models pop with robust 3D look and feel. New easy button for uploading to Sketchfab. Turning on Mipmap gives much better anti-aliasing visual result, especially you can see smooth hair render on fine detailed meshes. New Zoom to Mouse Position option under Preference allows one to zoom in out of the scene while centering on the cursor. New Quick Thumbnail Generation can save more time when adding objects to the library due to more performant screenshot and thumbnail creation. Enhancements: Clothes, hair, and shoes can now enable or disable Conform Clothing, letting one choose to have the object maintain its original form or conform to the shape of the body underneath. - When enabled and using Reset to Default, the shape will return to its edited state. - When disabled and using Reset to Default, the shape will return to its original state. Updated version of Export iAvatar can export for Character Creator 2.0 / iClone 7 or older versions such as Character Creator 1.5 / iClone 6. Export to FBX now supports Unreal Engine 4 skeletal structure and normal direction correction for external 3D solutions. One can now freely choose to package all related files when exporting to FBX. Mesh Editor now works for accessory mesh editing, greatly enhancing flexibility. The new CTRL+A hotkey under Mesh Editor mode can select all of the mesh faces at once to increase productivity. Appearance Editor can now import SBSAR files and switch between Traditional/PBR shading systems.By switching to PBR_V1_3MAT, PBR_V1_5MAT, or PBR_V1_7MAT for the selected cloth, Character Creator 1.5 decals and patterns may disappear or deviate from expectation, switch to Traditional mode to maintain the same appearance under Character Creator 1.5) - PBR_V1_3MAT provides the following Color ID: Base, Red, and Green. - PBR_V1_5MAT provides the following Color IDs: Base, Red, Green, Blue, and Cyan. - PBR_V1_7MAT provides the following Color IDs: Base, Red, Green, Blue, Cyan, Yellow, and Magenta. (By switching from a higher number of Color IDs to a lower number, excluded materials will disappear. By switching from a lower number of Color IDs to a higher number,real-time performance may suffer.) Appearance Editor can now switch between sub-graphs and allows the saving of presets which can be stored and reapplied later. Expanded the number of male and female poses under the Calibration menu. A CCproject can now be set as the default project scene upon initiation of Character Creator. Added parameters under the Modify panel to edit the displacement settings. Product version number will now be displayed in the lower left-hand corner of the Content Manager thumbnail. Fixed Bugs (For Beta Version): Sync to Sky becomes disabled after the Atmosphere is swapped out. Now the user can swap out the Atmosphere and Sync to Sky will re-enable itself for improved usability. Switching between CCProjects will not change out the environment, only the avatars. IBL light hotkey has changed to Shift+I eliminating the incompatibility issues of international keyboards. Fixed the issue where AO maps will only effect IBL created shadows. Fixed an issue where the glow effect disappears after importing an image into Material > Texture Settings > Glow channel. Fixed an issue where the texture map disappears after importing a PNG file into Material > Texture Settings and using Adjust Color > Image Invert. Fixed a crash issue when adjusting the iris color in Appearance Editor and saving the avatar. Feedback Tracker *See the entire Release Note of Character Creator 2.0 Here.
v1.54.3106.1 patch released on 2017-07-10
Fixed: Watermark appears in Character Creator on purchased iAvatars with morph sliders.
v1.52.2204.1 patch released on 2016-10-05
New Features: iMotionPlus can now be exported with the character in FBX format. The improved exporter lets one adjust the animation frame-rate when exporting an animated character. Know More Auto Hide Mesh function, with a simple click of a button, inner meshes of layered clothing are hidden from view. Know More Enhancements: Added quick switch between Conforming Cloth and Cloth Layer Settings. The "Hide Inner Mesh" option in the "Conforming Cloth" panel now became "Resume to Content Settings" in the "Cloth Layer Settings" panel, which makes it easy to work with cloth layer changes. Added "Universal T-pose Editing" option when exporting FBX. Know More - Check it on to include T-Pose alignment for round-trip editing when creating CC assets using other 3D tools. - Unchecked it if you wish to purely export the character and selected motion to other 3D tools, for example, publishing your character to Sketchfab. Enhance the mechanism of DRM verification, which improves the verification speed while less error prone. Know More Fixed Bugs: Character Creator FBX export for Lightwave unusable. Feedback Tracker Sculptris OBJ files crash CC 1.51. Feedback Tracker CC 1.51 crashes when importing OBJ file that was previously exported from Sculptris / Blender to create a morph Slider. Feedback Tracker *The option "Keep Vertex Order" must be checked when exporting the OBJ in Blender CC character's clothes can't display correctly in iClone project. Feedback Tracker CC cloth not conforming to the character when sent to iClone 6 PRO. Feedback Tracker The actor's eyes and teeth visual defect after having dragged in custom morph sliders. Feedback Tracker Failed to display Substance items for cloth when changing the type from hair to cloth. Feedback Tracker
v1.51.2001.1 patch released on 2016-08-04
Fixed: Wrong DRM checking caused Appearance Editor to slow down. Fixed: Loading ccProject or iAvatar containing sliders created from iAvatar or rlHead with DRM, would sometimes prompt an incorrect message in the Validate DRM window. Fixed: Using a .rlHead without an internet connection would show a watermark. Fixed: When a watermark displayed, using the Calibration tool would prompt an unnecessary message. Fixed: After double-clicking a slider to set the value to Zero, the highlight area of character would display the wrong result.
v1.5.1913.1 patch released on 2016-07-14
*Note: Make sure you have updated all the iClone family programs to the latest version (iClone v6.5, 3DXchange v6.5, Character Creator v1.5) before you launch iClone 6. Added: Support CC-compatible FBX to create custom Hair, Cloth, Shoes, Gloves, Accessory and Morph Sliders. Added: Ability to export selected character and it’s outfit in FBX format as a template for asset creation. Added: One can now include calibration or custom motion for skin bind weight testing (available as a FBX export option). Added: New Mesh Edit tool can translate, scale, rotate, hide, and reveal selected mesh face. Added: New Smooth & Relax tools to refine the mesh in Mesh Edit Mode. Added: Users can now change the collision layer order of the clothing by using the Cloth Layer Setting accessible via the Window menu. Added: Soft-Cloth weight map input is now available inside CC under Modify > Physics > Edit Weight Map. Added: Cloth, gloves, and shoes thumbnails now have category and collision layer display. Added: The enhanced Calibration function allows you to keep the calibrated posture even after closing its window. Added: Importing or drag and dropping an iMotion into CC will apply the first frame of the animation to the character as a still pose. Added: Pose Editing is now available inside CC under the Edit menu. Added: Importing ccProject or iAvatar will give one the option to merge specific parts or replace the current project, eg. only apply the outfit to the existing character. Added: Added a scene manager with new additional "X-Ray" and "Wireframe on Shaded" viewing mode. Added: Added ability to select a specific item inside overlapping objects via the right mouse button context menu. Added: Edit Contact settings for the Hands and Feet can now be accessed in the modify pane Added: Floor grid now available, useful for adjusting the positions of floor contacts. Added: Traditional iClone texture settings in the Material Tab for custom textures. Added: Export OBJ with quad mesh for better mesh subdivision in the case of mesh smoothing and high poly sculpting. Enhanced: The character will preserve the Calibrated posture even after closing the Calibration window. Enhanced: A direct download button will now appear in the pop-up window when you apply a ccProject or iAvatar which you have already purchased but have not yet properly installed. Enhanced: Modified the symmetry of the skeleton, mesh, and the arm angle of T-pose characters. Fixed: Double click on file to launch CC does not open that file. Fixed: Error message Can Not Find File appeared when delete slider from Custom folder if this slider has deleted from Template folder. *Additional Information: Upon export, Character Creator will produce an "FBXKey," this DRM related file will contain skeleton scale, mesh orientation, and other important information. This file will help detail out the discrepancies between CC and other 3rd party software. Therefore, users are strongly encouraged to maintain this file for the purpose of technical support. Previous versions of FBX used for rigging and cloth creation may not be backwards compatible. If you have a need to fix a specific file you can contact the Reallusion development team, but successful re-compatibility is not a guarantee. *See the entire Release note of iClone family Here.
v1.43.1626.1 patch released on 2016-04-27
Fixed: Applying preset to DRM Avatar showed "Slider not Found". Fixed: Saving accessory showed empty thumbnail. Fixed: RLHead import option had two options for Import Texture: "Head Only" and "Head and Body", same result for each option.
v1.42.1523.1 patch released on 2016-03-29
Added: Link for online feedback system in the Menu. Added: Adjust Substance synchronization option in Preferences. Fixed: Crashed when closing application in Windows 7. Fixed: Gloves didn't save correctly. Fixed: Unable to save Skin preset. Fixed: OBJ had wrong Normal when exporting from Character Creator. Fixed: Applying Morph preset caused crash when not selecting a character. Fixed: Crashed when Replaced file deleted Original file. Fixed: Some ccHairs are unable to use the Appearance editor. Changed: Importing RLHead into Character Creator will also apply Normal and Specular maps from RLHead file.
v1.4.1402.1 patch released on 2016-02-02
*Note: Make sure you have updated all the iClone family programs to the latest version (iClone v6.4, 3DXchange v6.4, Character Creator v1.4) before you launch iClone 6. Added: Ability to direct export character mesh to Obj file if you have purchased 3DXchange 6 PRO / Pipeline. Added: Create Morph Slider from Obj, .iAvatar and current morph. Added: Bake slider function that flattens the morph which is useful in making extreme body proportion. You no longer need to bring character in and out of Character Creator. Added: Ability to key-in numeric value larger than 100 (up to 999) for individual Morph Slider. Added: New file format support: ccSlider & ccCustomSlider which contain character morph data. Added: Ability to delete custom created Morph Slider. Deleted Morph Slider is moved to the Recycling Bin. Added: Ability to refresh Morph Slider. Any changes made to the Morph Slider file in the Windows file explore can be reflected immediately by pressing the refresh icon. Added: Submission tools for developers to easily sell the correct ccSlider and ccProject content. Changed: Importing RLHead from CrazyTalk 8 into Character Creator will keep the original head morph shape. - If the Character Creator is closed when you exported RLHead using CrazyTalk 8, it will open up Character Creator with default body morph. - If the Character Creator is opened when you exported RLHead, it will directly replace the head mesh with the one from CrazyTalk 8 without altering the body morph. *See the entire Release note of iClone family Here.
v1.3.1218.1 patch released on 2015-12-18
*Note: Make sure you have updated all the iClone family programs to the latest version (iClone v6.3, 3DXchange v6.3, Character Creator v1.3) before you launch iClone 6. Added: Provide DirectX9 graphics mode selection for Character Creator. However, real-time smoothing is not supported. Fixed: iClone initiation failed when launched from Character Creator if the computer user name includes non-English characters. Fixed: Wireframe button status not updated under certain conditions. Fixed: Minimized iClone window does not revert when iClone is launched from Character Creator. Fixed: Light gizmo remains in 3D view when using the "/" key and when morph items are modified. Fixed: Foot morph data lost when high heel shoes are removed. Fixed: High Dynamic Texture doesn't import to iClone correctly when the Appearance Editor is not unloaded in Character Creator. *See the entire Release note of iClone family Here.
v1.21.1008.1 patch released on 2015-10-14
Fixed: Unable to unload Appearance Editor for CC Character hair. Fixed: Tuning of material cannot be seen after export selected object if Appearance Editor is not first unloaded.