- Polygon reduction for select items and wearable assets.
- Bake dense mesh detail to diffuse and normal map to enhance low-poly display.
- Merge texture UVs in order to reduce draw call in game engines.
- Generate character LODs for optimal game performance.
- Convert to low-poly CC Game-Base character while keeping facial animations.
*Built-in mesh optimization technology with InstaLOD
Real-time Animation
- Body animation with unique puppeteering engine, motion clip blending, HIK timeline motion
layer editing.
- Facial animation with audio lip-sync and puppet emotive expressions with motion key editing.
- Dynamic soft-cloth and hair physics behaviors.
- Motion curve editing over animation time and spacial adjustments.
iClone - sold separately
Unified Mocap for Face, Body and
- Use iClone Motion LIVE for full body motion capture.
- Accurate facial capture using Faceware/iPhone X.
- 60 facial morphs supports blending.
- Compatible with all major body mocap device including OptiTrack, XSens, Noitom, and more.
- Hand tracking using ManusVR/Leap Motion.
Motion LIVE - sold separately