After the setup of your realistic 3D scan model, it’s time to turn it into a fully animatable CC (Character Creator) character!
Reallusion is introducing the most important tools and detailed knowledge required to make it happen. Follow the step-by-step guide designed by the industry-leading experts and get access to more than 400 3D Scan Optimization Morphs which will help you fine-tune your characters for the best animation result.
Tools used in the tutorial videos:
Character Creator, iClone, ZBrush, Marmoset Toolbag, Wrap3, 3ds Max, Photoshop
2.5 Hours - 13 Courses
The Founder and owner of Solo Projects Studios. His studio provides custom code and art content for video game companies. In addition his studio produces a line of Sculpture, Art Prints and Custom Clothing which are sold online.
In this Series of Videos we will look at a process to take data from a scanned human being and how to bring it into Character Creator 3. We will use Wrap3 and ZBrush to aid us in this process.
CC3’s new round trip ZBrush editing via GoZ and some of it’s options we will be using.
Chances are that you will be purchasing your scanned data of humans. Here we discuss what information a proper scan should and shouldn’t have in it. Afterwards you will know what to look for when you are buying scans.
There are two main methods for storing color information in 3D meshes. One method uses texture maps and UV’s to guide their placement. The other method is to store color information in the vertices of the mesh itself. We will have an overview of both methods and their strengths and weaknesses.
Often scans of people are done in what is called an “A” pose. This aids in the capture of the details we need. But most Rigging Tools require this pose to be changed to a “T” pose in order to add the skeleton we need to animate our character. We will use ZBrush to change the pose to the proper stance.
Wrap3 is used to project the details of our scanned human onto the base mesh we use in CC3. We start with an overview of how to use this amazing and very useful software.
Continuing from part one of the video, we look at some tips and tricks to make using Wrap3 as easy as possible with scanned data. Then we go through the process of exporting the data so we can use it in ZBrush and CC3.
In this video we use ZBrush’s new Move Gizmo to place the Pieces of the Character. Small Pieces such as the eyes, are placed in the proper position to match our scanned character.
In preparation for transfering the details of the original scan to our mesh we bring both meshes into ZBrush. Then we make sure that both meshes are the same height and scale. This could also be done in any 3D modeling package other then ZBrush. The end goal is that both meshes are the same size.
We go through the process of Pre-Subdividing our mesh in order to maintain quality as we project all the tiny details from the scan to our mesh.
We go over final clean up and look at our nails on the character. When we are satisfied with the character we send it over to CC3 using GoZ.
Store the subtle detailes of the mesh as Normal Maps and Color Maps. Use Marmoset Toolbag to quickly create the Normal Maps, and ZBrush to create the Color Maps.
Clean up some smaller details such as the inside of the mouth and the eyelashes to insures that are character is as realistic as possible. Send the final character to CC3 and Auto Rig him, which sets up the skeleton to move the character properly.
1.5 Hours - 6 Courses
A 3D Artist and Consultant with over 20 years experience. Specializing in real time human modeling and animation systems, he has worked for games, tv and software companies - with a focus on low poly/ subdivision surface modelling, photo texturing, retopology and 3d character pipeline development.
Being critical of the model when static and when animated: what to look for when assessing a scan converted CC3 model before making further changes.
The importance of CC3 correct default pose and gaze: demonstration of a simple pose and gaze correction method using an external application.
Using Edit Mesh to improve the model’s shape: using the example of remodeling the skull, this approach is applicable to fine tuning any part of a character mesh directly within CC3.
Diffuse and Normal maps may exhibit errors from texture baking and/ or incorrect alignment: using the head as an example, how to fix these errors using a combination of procedural mapping as well cloning in an external image editor.
Improving animation by expression testing and editing whilst the model is in animated poses: this tutorial focuses on the mouth and also covers teeth and tongue alignment and texture adjustment.
Eye shape, materials and animation quality all make a huge difference to whether a character appears realistic or not: demonstrating how to progress from unnatural looking eyes and distorted blinks through to a realistic and polished end result.
Additional specialized Adjustment and Balance Morphs to assist with head, face modeling and facial animation fine tuning, as well as pose correction for head, arms and hands directly with CC3.
In Mouth Animation and Improving the Eyes tutorials, those advanced facial morphs allow a high degree of fine tuning, both for additional modeling detail in specific areas such as the eyes and mouth corners – as well as to adjust vertex interpolation across the mesh for improved animation.
The importance of making models which are well matched to the CC3 default T Pose is described in tutorial: Pose and Gaze Correction, where an external application is used to make fundamental pose changes. These new morphs provide additional functionality to adjust head, arm and hand angles - to assist with mesh pose correction directly within CC3.
After installation, you can find all the morph slider data under your ..\Reallusion\Template\Character Creator 3 Template\AvatarControl\Adjustment and Balance Morphs". Please refer to the included readme.txt for further instruction.
HD Videos & Resources (.zip) - 6.91 GB
Optimization Morphs (.rld) - 126 MB
With Reallusion, you can turn all your 3D scanned human statues into fully-rigged 3D characters for realtime face and body animation. Just complete this form so our team can contact you directly!
With Reallusion, you can turn all your 3D scanned human statues into fully-rigged 3D characters for realtime face and body animation. Just complete this form so our team can contact you directly!