Add bones to any image and to quickly animate. So, no matter if you are using simple or
sophisticated structures
with the 2D Bone Editor, it can all be rigged well. Align or Connect the bone and add Pins
to constrain the area.
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Instant Animation:
Character Template and Auto IK Rig
To save effort on custom bone-rigging and key frame animation, we provide whole sets of facial and body rigged character templates which makes your design instantly compatible with thousands of professional 2D animation libraries. Templates include Human, Quadruped, Wings, and Spine.
Vector Pipeline | PSD Pipeline | Template Resources
More than creating a turning head, you can give a full spin to a simple shaped creature - even a moody bird. Freely add angle points to setup the character look as the head turns. Each angle point contains data for sprite transformation, deformation, and sprite change. Create perfect 360° characters by properly adding angle definitions for horizontal and vertical turns. Know More >
Mix and match facial features to create 360 characters. Dynamic hairstyles and accessories can also include multiple view angles. Combine 360 Head with selected Body style for perfect Smart IK Animation. Know More >
Accelerate 2D Character Design and Creation