Boyer Animation Studios LLC is licensed as an operational business in the City of Turlock, California and is also registered as a private Limited Liability Company with the State of California. The company is a family owned and operated, small business enterprise.
Wee Bit Studios was formed in 2012 after Russell Boyd decided to become a full time animation and video producer. Now he has a diverse range of clients and jobs from all over the world making custom animation videos, educational work and regular outsourced editing jobs. The business is now growing with the upcoming demand for explainer videos
Toei Animation Company is a publicly listed company in JASDAQ with its HQ based in Tokyo. Toei Animation produces all kinds of animations while marketing various video productions. It also runs licensing businesses for its copyright productions. Noguchi Koichi is the Associate Department Manager for the Project Development & Production Planning Dept. in Toei Animation.
It would be much more difficult to answer the question about where I get the patience to complete the technical part of the project. And that’s exactly where user-friendly CrazyTalk Animator and iClone come into a play and help me finish this difficult task.