Boyer Animation Studios LLC is licensed as an operational business in the City of Turlock, California and is also registered as a private Limited Liability Company with the State of California. The company is a family owned and operated, small business enterprise.
Wee Bit Studios was formed in 2012 after Russell Boyd decided to become a full time animation and video producer. Now he has a diverse range of clients and jobs from all over the world making custom animation videos, educational work and regular outsourced editing jobs. The business is now growing with the upcoming demand for explainer videos
I am a software developer, an actor and a scriptwriter from Uruguay. I started developing cartoons in order to promote my work as a writer, and strangely enough some of them have even been turned into successful theatre plays. Currently, I am still doing some stuff as an actor, but just for writing better using sensitive power of the actor.
My company, DeGroot Media, creates explainer videos and TV commercials in a wide range of styles. Our workflow is centered around After Effects and Cinema 4D, but for our explainer projects I knew we needed to find a solution to handle the character design and animation cost-effectively, and on an incredibly tight deadline.
After my high school studies I studied fine art for a year, and used myself animation skills to work as a Graphic designer/ Animator at an advertising agency. There I made animatics to demostrate TV ad concepts to clients.
My studio is RhettRO Creative. We do television commercial production and have used CTA Pro on numerous television spots. I love animation because it gets people's attention. Animation is everywhere and we just wanted to do something unique and different.
I have been reviewing Reallusion products over the years and was always impressed, and wished that I had the time to do something with them. So when I decided to move away from the interactive PDF magazine format, which I miss, I immediately put CrazyTalk 7 Pro to work!
My name is Granny Logan. I work in the marketing department for a national television network in Canada, but in my spare time, I doodle, animate, and do voiceovers and audio production. I'm just a guy who's a huge fan of animation. Ever since I was a kid I was always fascinated by the way traditional animation was done...
We are one of the most comfortably priced animation studios, as we always plan on doing high volume, high quality videos rather than just a handful of expensive ones. We respond very quickly and passionately to all business queries as we love what we do and what we are about.
My business, Art Time Productions, initially provided Graphic and Web Design services but currently focuses on creating Business Explainer videos for clients world wide. Though my main focus has always been illustration, my secret passion is animation.