I added a G3 to an empty stage, then took it into composer. I selected the hand sprite & opened the sprite editor, selected a sprite and clicked preview, preview looked right, so I closed the sprite editor and the hand reverted back to the default hand. I tried this with several characters...More
When I click on the link 'CTA3_Pipeline_Enu_mac_dmg (v3.1..1607.1)' the download proceeds. When I proceed to install this file, it tells me this is 'v3.03'. I would like to use v3.1 as I have purchased 'G3 Power Tools 3-the Elastics'. Currently, loading 'G3 Elastic Folks-the Families' and...More
As you can see in the attached picture, previews of the different assets in the Content Manager are smaller than the available white space. I wanted to see the previews (icons) bigger, so I put the vertical bar to the left to let the icons bigger, but the icons don't get bigger....More
I have a CrazyTalk Animator Project with a friend that have a different CTA serial number, how to use these contents on the respective software without getting watermarked...More
I've finally got my ECL and CTA for the asiagraph compet, However when I put the content it have watermark on it and I can't install it, how to solve this?...More
While in Composer Mode using the Sprite Replacement, I am trying to import the new image. I have the Keep parent Trasform checked. When I import the new image it is not to scale and attaches to the entire actor. I can not scale it down without affecting the entire actor. I have gone to layer...More
I've already asked my local reseller (Indonesia) to acquire a loan version of CTA 3 including the ECL to be further used for CTA 3 Asiagraph Competition. My local Reseller have contacted Reallusion regarding this Issue, and RL have responded by asking the number of group member. Up until now...More
I purchased Crazytalk Animator 3 during the pre-sale period and did not have opportunity to install it until last week (about 3rd or 4th January). Unfortunately, only one day after installation, my laptop broke and I was unable to continue using it. The old laptop still has CTA3 installed...More
I've been using CTA2 & CTA3 for a few weeks now, with no problem. Suddenly yesterday as I was preparing a Christmas interview with Santa, Norton told me that one of your DLL's was already removed. I know that you have a great product. There is some kind of false positive coming out of Norton...More
iMotions not working with cta1 or 2 actors. If this feature has been cut we need a converter because I have a big collection, over 500 in one collection last month....More