Every time when I close CTA3-pipeline the program "hangs" a few seconds and there is a fault in the Windows logbook. (Windows10 Home, 64 bit with spring update)...More
Greetings I have a dead line of tomorrow to deliver an animation and CTA 3 just got bugged all of a sudden. Can't fix it... First of all I can not click and drag play bar. It works when I move the mouse wheel but I can not click, hold and drag the current frame....More
Multi-angle Props ______________________ 1.) The ability to create props which use the same angles as a g2 character and can be manipulated via a 3d widget of somekind for chosing the angle to be displayed....More
Je suis sur Mac - fichier .CSV .PSD ; travailler sur une copie ; Fichiers .png S'il manque dans prop; sprite editor Non fermé ; - motion : Erreur de motion sur g3 ; (emma-pose.ct3Dmotion ) dans dossier temporaire ;...More
Encore trois heures de perdues; !!! J'ai mis un acteur au milieu de la scène, Stage. Après réouverture, Si on va trop vite, La scène écran clignote; Les voix sont saccadées Dues à ce clignotement C'est le bug. Pouvez-vous améliorer cela?...More
Hi. I have the crazy talk animator 3 Pro. I want to put a beard that I created myself, but I can not find a way to include this prop inside the head layer. In this way, the beard will always be in a layer above the mouth and nose, or in a layer below the face. The beards that I have seen to...More