I think the current catoon animator 5 if you can not develop their own ai products, you can consider the whole good third-party ai products. 1. Text to Speech For example, Text to Speech...More
Is there an 'Onion Layer' in the Stage mode? I have only seen such a feature in the Composer mode during rigging 360 Head. it would be a helpful feature when I'm animating, or maybe it does exist and I'm just not finding it....More
Io ho acquistato i seguenti programmi CTA4 e CTA5. Per problemi di memoria e di velocità ho dovuto sostituire il disco fisso del mio computer. Al momento della prova finale il CTA4 si apriva e funzionava regolarmente, mentre il CTA5 si apriva ma non funzionava, dopo l'apertura apparivano...More
Spring Bones is very nice for its added secondary animation. However, the Spring Bone physics simulation needed to be somehow activated before the animation started. I'm trying to use CT5 to create a looped animated sprite with spring bone attached to simulate secondary animation. every time...More
On the manual, the E key to stretch bone joints function is currently listed under the "Constraint Off" feature and should be corrected to the "Constraint On" feature. Also, this E stretch bone key is a great feature, its shortfall is that its value can not be copied and pasted to other keys...More
Version of CA is showing as 5.02 while it should be 5.22 as it shows all updates applied. It is not showing motion pilot icon on left toolbar or anywhere else. How could I upgrade to 5.22 and how can download motion pilot ?...More
When actors and objects are of vector type in the project While I was exporting the project and selecting the 4K resolution to After Effects Images after export are not compatible with 4K quality...More