iClone 7
Released in 7.9
Issue 7593
iRay Render Fails To Use Nvidia 3060 ti RTX Graphics Card
iRay Render Fails To Use Nvidia 3060 ti RTX Graphics Card

I have recently upgraded my Graphics Card to a Nvidia 3060 ti RTX Card and tried to use iRay Renderer in both iClone and Character Creator. In both instances the 3060 ti RTX Card showed up in the Hardware Settings, but iRay Renderer failed to use the GPU. I Also have an another problem, tried many different projects in size but iRay always indicate that my GPU is out of Memory.

I would appreciate it if you could help resolve this issue. Thanks
OS: Windows 10
  •  4
  •  1483
Submitted byskwal Jan 25, 2021
Feedback Tracker Admin Feb 2, 2021
Hi skwal,

From your information:
Iray : cpu + gpu ➔ crash
Iray : gpu ➔ normal

It is reasonable to speculate that the problem is the combination of Iray + chrome (on Mac). On our PC it is normal.
Thank you for your information, because this is a third-party Iray problem. It must wait for Iray SDK update later, so please use GPU Render for the time being.

Reallusion Inc.
skwal Feb 1, 2021
Hi Soya,

It is working !!! I am on a mac mini with bootcamp and i have an egpu with the rtx 3060 ti gaming trio from MSI. When i ran the Time spy test i had a graphic score of10791 and a cpu score 5661. Overall  score was 9499 , "better than 84% of all result".
I thought the problem came from the egpu with bootcamp but with the beta of iray it is working !!!
If i use cpu plus the Gpu during the render and  and I go google chrome, the render crash. But I use only GPU no more crashing if i use an another app during the render.
hope it helps for further development of the beta


Feedback Tracker Admin Jan 26, 2021
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