iClone 7
Issue 3638
iClone 7 crashes when I click "preview" or "record" to make an animation with the Perception Neuron
I'm following the pipeline to make MoCap animations with Axis Neuron and iClone 7 with the Perception Neuron plugin.
Axis Neuron is working correctly and is configured according to the video here:
iClone 7 seems to work fine at first. I open the Perception Neuron plugin and identify the relevant character and click connect. It seems to be fine. However, when I click "preview" or "record" it hangs for a second, then crashes to desktop with no message.

Please note I have previously used this pipeline to create animations without issue. One thing that changed is I had to uninstall and reinstall Axis Neuron.

Please also note that I previously reported a similar (but not identical) issue:

That one was different in that the crash occurred when I clicked "connect" whereas this one only happens when I click "record" or "preview". Your response to that previous issue was to provide an alternative DLL. I tried using that again today, but it didn't fix my problem.

I'd be grateful for your help!
OS: Windows 10
  •  3
  •  1965
Submitted bymodernstoryteller
I found the solution. I had missed the fact that, along with the updates coming out for iClone, there was also an update to the plugin itself that needed to be installed to make it compatible. To install the latest version of the plugin, follow method#2 on this page:
(or similar process through the Reallusion Hub)
Myself and a teammate are having this exact same problem. We can connect with the plugin, but as soon as we click Preview or Record, iClone crashes. We have tried with iClone 7.1 and 7.2 and multiple versions of Axis Neuron. 

In the time since it last worked for us, I got a new computer and have had to re-install all my software, including the plugin, but my co-worker has changed nothing, and now hers is no longer working.
Update: I upgraded iClone to version 7.2 and the problem persists; iClone crashes whenever I open the Perception Neuron mocap plugin and click preview or record.

I got the following debug message: "Unhandled exception at 0x0000000064CA1233 (Qt5Core.dll) in iClone.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation writing location 0x00007FF7F4E402D0."