iClone 7
Issue 3467
iClone 7 App has stopped working message on Windows 10
After installation of iClone 7 trial on Windows 10 I get a message "iClone 7 App has stopped working" . I've tried running the program as an administrator, I've tried restarting the system, I've checked my windows, .Net system - it's up to date, I've made sure that my windows 10 is up to date, I've checked the debug log and found what is attached. What should I do?
OS: Windows 10
  • message.JPG
  • system.JPG
  • debug detail message 2.JPG
  • debug detail message.JPG
  • debug message.JPG
  •  9
  •  83794
Submitted byDavid Legendtree
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I have a brand new Surface Pro and it is doing the same thing, starts to load then crashes. The surface Pro is a high end machine and very surprised iClone wont run on this?
Feedback Tracker Admin
Hi, David_14_61,

Could you provide the crash dump files for both machines to help us identify the problem.

Please download the zip file with the link below, inside the zip you can find the description about how to generate the crash dump.

You can use cloud services such as Google Drive, Dropbox or OneDrive to make the files available to us and email the link with "FT3467" in the email title to

Your help is highly appreciated.

Hi David,

From the screen capture, it crashes at NVIDIA Graphics card driver.
Could you tell which NVIDIA card are you using ?  This info is also in DxDiag.txt, or you can use device manager (Win key + x => m) and its in the VGA section.
also iClone 7 requires a DX11 card to run, the previous post had shown the link to the system requirement.


Feedback Tracker Admin
Hi, David_14_61,

I have got your DxDiag.txt, thanks for your help.
However, the machine that you used in the original post was named "Eight_Core_One" with an AMD CPU, but the machine in your DxDiag.txt was named "SUNIL" with an Intel CPU. Do you mean that the iClone Trial crashed on both machine?

If so, please also provide the DxDiag.txt of the machine with AMD CPU, and provide the crash dump files for both machines to help us identify the problem.

Download the zip file with the link below, inside the zip you can find the description about how to generate the crash dump.

You can use cloud services such as Google Drive, Dropbox or OneDrive to make the files available to us and email the link with "FT3467" in the email title to

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