iClone 8
Issue 11123
how to make a diamond/world scale skew
Not sure if working as designed or bug.
I searched the user manual and feedback tracker for similar and found:

"The Scale tool is also for Local Scale only. This can prevent the prop from skew or distortion when you scale it. "

System specs from sys info/gpu-z:
MFG: Lenovo
OS: Windows 11 Home
Version: 10.0.22621
Processor: 13th Gen Intel Core i7-13700H
Total Ram: 64gb
Graphics: NVidia GeForce RTX 4060 Laptop GPU
Video Ram: 8gb
Using: iClone 8.40.2505.1
Using default install and folder locations
C:\ free space - 125 GB

Steps to duplicate issue from fresh launch.
1. new project
2. Add two boxes from primitive shapes
3. set Box_0's attach parent to Box
4. set Box_0's pivot to middle, center
5. rotate Box_0 45 degrees along y axis (both local and parent affected)
6. Scale Box along x axis (2:1 is what I used)
7. detach Box_0 from Box
boom. the yellow bounding box will return to the original shape/rotation, but the mesh stays skewed.

Additional notes:

I tried attaching different kinds of objects when I first ran into it to see what behavior the others had.
Props, paths, soft cloths are also affected (rotating a soft cloth back after detaching messes up its physics).
Billboards, lights, and both types of particles don't seem to be affected.
Camera meshes will skew while scaling, but correct when detached.
Characters/terrain/et c., cannot be attached.
Attaching to a character (instead of Box) and scaling via proportions doesn't have the issue.
I did not test any plug-ins, bullet, or pipeline stuff.

I am not comfortable using your collector program.
If you need something not included above please reach out.

Thank you kindly
OS: Windows 11
  •  1
  •  110
Submitted byskougi
Feedback Tracker Admin
Hi skougi,

I can't repeat it.Can you capture a screen video about this issue,put it on the YouTube, and add the link in your next comment?
