Hi there, My Name is Ari, and I'm a game developer, I'm using reallusion products such as iclone, 3dxchange, Iclone is a great software But there are alot of things that can not be done by iclone Such as exporting multi selections, (props and avatar)..etc
I think the following method can make reallusion's product more powerful, 1st- exporting multiSelections. 2nd- exporting props with their animations. 3rd-link props to avatars and again linking another prop to the same prop! 4th- moving the whole scene from iclone to 3dxchange. 5th- A basic to modify or edit avatar's clothes. 6th- and support all the previous iclone (Accessories/upper clothes .....etc,) To any previous avatar. For example ( i cannot use a G4's accessories/head/upper... to a G5 avatar!! And maybe there are alot, But I thought those ideas are the best of the best! Thank you for taking time Reading this. -Ari Best wishes to All.