My iclone 8 nearly neraly always crashes on undo transform/motion - sometimes with other undo commands too. I have installed it on two different PCs and have the same experience. The project files are quite large if that is a factor.
Hi richardbrandon, Can you provide your project file to help us identify the problem?Please attach the file in your next comment. If the file size is larger than 10MB, you can use cloud services such as Google Drive, Dropbox or OneDrive to make the files available to us and put the link in your comment. You can use Private Comment if you want to keep it private. Molly Reallusion
Hi wirtz.erik, Can you uninstall iClone and install it agiain? Molly Reallusion
I went digging and under C:\Users\erik_\AppData\Local\CrashDumps there are some iClone dumps.
Hi wirtz.erik, I have got it.Thanks. Molly Reallusion
Not an idiot. C:\Users\erik_\AppData\Roaming The directory iClone does not exist here.
iClone\CrashDump does not exist under C:\Users\(username)\AppData\Roaming\
Hi wirtz.erik, Did you change username to yours? Molly Reallusion