Hi Kent, Did your issue resolve? The support ticket has been closed due to no response from you after a certain days. Please let me know if the issue still persist. Thanks! Irving Reallusion
I have the latest nvidia drivers installed and run dxdiag snd things appear to be configured correctly but still iClone will not launch
I followed Irving's instructions, and now I'm only experiencing the problem with iClone.
Hi primate.prod, We suspect the issue may cause by the driver of integrated GPU. If your system has dual GPU, please try this: 1.Associate iClone with high performance GPU. 2.Make sure the driver of integrated GPU is up to date. If these does not solve the problem. Please provide us your system information and crash dump with following instructions. How to get your system information: https://www.reallusion.com/FeedBackTracker/Home/HowToGet Procedure to get iC7 crash dump: 1. Open the link below: http:\\ftp.reallusion.com.tw\reallusionsupport\IC7_CrashDump.zip 2. Save the file "iClone_WER_Setup_mini.reg" to your computer, and double click it to enable log recording. 3. Run iClone 7. 4. Do the operation that can crashes iClone 7.. 5. Once the program crashes, locate the DMP file under: %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\iClone\CrashDump\ 6. Send the DMP file back to us. Note: If you want to disable log recording, just run the "iClone_WER_OFF.reg" the same as in step 2. You can attach the system information and crash dump in your next private comment. Thanks! Irving Reallusion
I have the same problem. I would like to buy the whole package of programs offered, I hope it can be solved. AMD Thredripper 3970 32core Win 10 Pro updated version Nvidia 2080 super updated version Thank you
Hi Kent, Sorry to hear you are experiencing problems with iClone and Character Creator. This kind of issue is usually caused by corrupted or out-dated display driver. Please first make sure your display driver and windows update is all up to date. If you already have the latest driver installed. I suggest you try to perform a clean install with the following steps, 1. uninstall the display driver 2. visit nVidia site and download the latest driver: https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/geforce/drivers/ 3. Install latest driver using the custom option. Select "Perform a clean install" option to fully clear old or corrupt files. I have also helped you submit this issue to our online support system. The support team will contact you via email and help you solve this issue in case the driver update does not solve your problem. Irving Reallusion