Character Creator 3
Issue 5284
Visualization method in Auto Hide Model Polygons plug-in for CC3.01

I tested Auto Hide Model Polygons (AHMP) plug-in for CC3.01 and have to say that current visualization method makes polygons definition process for Auto Hide feature extremely hard because used method does not give clear visual control which polygon selected and which one not .

In CC2 when I select some Skin group it highlighted by red and become visible even through cloth so I have been able to see it and make similar selection for cloth polygons.
In CC3 version Skin group highlighting is not visible through cloth at all, so I have no visual control which cloth polygons I need to select.

Only possible way to see something is to decrease cloth Opacity (manually make it semi transparent) or use Wireframe mode for cloth visualization.
But this also does not help too much because in this version skin group selection and selected cloth polygons used the same red color (in CC2 selected polygons in cloth marked by green).
So it's very hard to recognize whether cloth polygon selected or not if it placed over selected skin group.

I would like to ask You to fix these problems -- use the same visualization method as have been used in previous Auto Hide Model Polygons plug-in versions for CC2 ( skin groups selection visible through cloth and different colors for skin and cloth selected polygons).

Best regards,
OS: Windows 10
  •  0
  •  1070
Submitted byVit3D