Hi blindman, Happy to see your CC3 is working fine now. And we will keep trying to improve the user experience on Reallusion Hub. Thanks for your reply and suggestion. Calvin Reallusion.
Thank you for the reply But I already fixed the issue by manually removing the the appropriate files, reinstalling and registering CC3, and the Pipeline Extension as well as all the other plugins and addons. that stopped working after the reinstall. Something I should not have had to do....... I also notice that dispite numerous complaints about the HUB utility not just by me, and promises by Reallusion to offer manual configurations options over how it runs. nothing has been done. As I was not given any choice on it's installation and had to manually remove it after reinstalling CC3. At this point I'd settle for a "NO THANKYOU " button
Hi blindman, You can download this zip file. https://drive.google.com/file/d/187R-xHGE3TbuJh-dBocFzkb1iDjci1MB/view Follow the following step : 1. Unzip it, you will get two zip file, one is "Character Creator 3 Registry Remover", one is "Character Creator 3 Pipeline Extension Registry Remover". 2. Unzip "Character Creator 3 Registry Remover.zip" to new folder. 3. Right click on CleanReg.exe and use admin privileges to launch. 4. Click Yes to accept the process. 5. Unzip "Character Creator 3 Pipeline Extension Registry Remover" to another new folder. 6. Right Click on CleanReg.exe and use admin privileges to launch. 7. Click Yes to accept the process. After you finished all the steps, try to re-install Character Creator v3.04 and Character Creator 3 Pipeline Extension v3.04 via installer. Hope this solution is helpful. Calvin Reallusion.