UV effect will display incorrectly if uncheck the box for “Keep Original UV”
STEPS TO REPRODUCE 1. Launch 3DXchange 6 2. Load a CC character to program 3. Navigate to Modify > Replace Mesh, click “Replace Mesh” button, then export mesh 4. Load the mesh to 3ds Max, export OBJ file 5. Launch 3DXchange 6 and load the same CC character again, navigate to Scene Tree > Dress 6. Go to Modify > Replace Mesh, click “Replace Mesh” button, load the OBJ file that was previously exported from 3ds Max and uncheck the box for “Keep Original UV” 7. Go to Modify > Material > Diffuse, load a image 8 Check the left side of the character
ACTUAL RESULT UV effect can't be displayed correctly, please see screenshot 1
EXPECTED RESULT UV effect can be displayed correctly