Character Creator 3
Released in 3.22
Issue 4145
Transformer ini file glossiness/specular/roughness maps coming in wrong
Using the Transformer ini file, the Daz glossiness/specular/roughness maps need to be inverted and reduced 18% (at least those are the settings you use when you import via XChange and/or load all textures and the maps are identified as coming from Daz). Right now they are coming in as is, which is wrong for Daz stuff, and as a result the skin is far too shiny.

Solution is easy -- just do exactly what you do when the maps are identified as coming from Daz (which, in Transformer, they all are :>).
OS: Windows 10
  •  4
  •  1178
Submitted byKelleytoons
Feedback Tracker Admin
Hi Kelleytoons, 

This issue should be solved in current version.

Note that you can't actually specify a map in this manner (putting "Daz" in the name) but you shouldn't have to do this -- ALL the maps are coming from Daz through Transformer, so you should just assume that any roughness/specular/shininess map has to be processed in this way.
Okay, here it is, but here is also a quote directly from Miranda (and I assume the devs gave it to her, so you should all know this):

iClone applies special treatment to texture names with key Daz suffixes.  

Key Daz suffix 1 & 2: "TextureName__DazGlossiness"  and "TextureName__DazSpecular" maps will be inverted with brightness decreased by 18% then applied to the roughness channel. 
On the left, the specular map is directly applied to the roughness channel with results that are incorrect.
On the right, the specular map is first inverted then applied to the roughness channel with results that are more inline with expectations.
Feedback Tracker Admin
Hi Kelleytoons, 

Please capture a screen video about this issue, put it on the YouTube, and add the link in your next comment.
Thanks for your help.
