Issue 5943
System Text Size is Extremely Small on 4k Monitors
iClone and CC3 are virtually unusable on 4k monitors because the size of the text is extremely small. The attached screen shots are comparisons of the iClone text size to the normal Windows File Manager text size. Notice how difficult it is to read the names that are underneath the Template folders on the left.
I increased to the max font size in the iClone preferences, but it is still so small that I literally use a magnifying glass to read it. The attached screen shot is shown with the largest text size.
To reproduce the problem, simply launch iClone or CC3 on a 4k monitor.
Both of my monitors are 4k, so I am no longer able to use Reallusion products. I saw that another user reported this problem in 2017 (Issue 2165 )and it was marked as "Solved." If it is truly solved, please direct me to the solution.
Thank you for your help,
Submitted byDoxa
Apr 30, 2019