1. From my experience based on i. Motion Blur ii. Flare iii. Volumetric Lighting in 3D Package is that they slow down the software considerably which is why they are a part of the Compositing package. Just wondering if these feature addition to iClone 8 will have a similar impact of slowing down the system.
2. Also The standard way of sending the part to be Composited with Motion Blur / Flare / Volumetric Lighting / DOF is to Create an output of RPF or RLA and then work in the compositor. I hope this is a workflow is adopted in the iClone 8 specially after so many rendering engines being added to iClone without the RPF / RLA output formats.
3. If you have seen The Spline Based Facial Animation you will recognize the versatility of it. I hope the Acculips needs to be furthered to compete with the Spline Based system's.
4. If you see the Blender 3D Face Animation Add-On you will see that i. It is Layer Based ii. The Facial Mesh Control can be Adjusted Multiple Times iii. The Facial Features can be Exaggerated to a great extent.
5. A Layer Based Animation System Has Existed in Motion Builder and Now even in Unreal. Hopefully the Truly Layer Based System will be incorporated into iClone 8. It has been a long standing wish.
6. Particles PopcornFx of the Parent Company are Event Based delivering Very Controllable outputs. Hopefully it is being looked at.
7. A Quick Jitter Removal in Curve is desired specially the MOCAP from my iClone-KINECT Plugin has Foot Hand Neck Head jitter issues.
8. The Physics Tool Box Vehicles need to be Spline Driven to get a better Control than the One Provided through the Forward / Back / Left / Right with Mouse.
9. Smart Gallery needs to Show Purchased Products
10. Actor Core need to show all the Motions procured from Reallusion and Our Own Motions.
There are a ton of other stuff but this I thought needed the most attention.