Issue 5358
Strange Stalling Every 5 Seconds Due to Internet
Whenever I load up Character Creator (either 2 or 3), there's a constant 1-second stalling/freezing every 5 seconds. Doesn't matter what I do, whether it's hovering over icons, the figure, or accessing menu items. It's so bad that it makes the program unusable.
I've discovered that first disabling the Internet access in Windows solves the issue. It even stays resolved when I turn it back on while using it. However, once I exit the program and restart it again, the 5-second stalling comes back, requiring me to disable and re-enable the Internet.
Is there any other fix for this? I REALLY don't want to have to restart my Internet every time I open the program. That's ridiculous.
P.S. I've experienced the exact same issue with iClone as well.
Submitted byBrentCherry
Nov 5, 2018