iClone 7
Released in 7.3
Issue 3669
Speedtrees no longer showing up
I add a speedtree to a project and while I see the boundary marks for the tree, the tree itself is not visible (but is checked as visible in the parameters). This remained the case through several reboots of the software and a reinstallation of the speedtree assets. Then at random trees started showing up again. Now a few months later the trees are no longer showing up again. As per the advise of the RL support I installed the latest video card drivers but that did not help.

I have heard 3-4 other users expressing the same issue with none able to pinpoint the problem.

Win 7
Intel® Coreā„¢ i7 5820K Processor
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 - 4GB
OS: Windows 7
  •  13
  •  4134
Submitted bythebiz.movies
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Feedback Tracker Admin
Thank you for your feedback

We have probably solved the Speedtree disappear issue, however, this issue was difficult to repeat, so please help us to verify if the issue had fixed in your machine by replacing your iClone.exe with this particular edition of iClone.exe.

Please note that this iClone.exe is for 7.21 only, DO NOT replace it into other versions of iClone. And please make a BACKUP of your original iClone.exe before replacing it, in case the new exe caused other issues in your system.

1. Download and unzip the "iClone exe for Speedtree" here:
2. After backup the original iClone.exe, replace it with the new exe from the zip file.
   Ref. default installed location: "C:\Program Files\Reallusion\iClone 7\Bin64\iClone.exe"
3. Launch iClone to test if the Speedtree will still disappear?
4. Please give us feedback whether the fix was successful.

I had the same problem then just updated my Nvidia drivers and trees are back !
Just installed the new Nvidia drivers... and trees are back !
Same thing here ! I think it was working until I installed PopCorn FX...
Just installed latest drivers and trees are back. 

Solved for me.
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