I was trying to complete a simple effect. This is just using the "SKY" not the "Sky Tool" it might be a step or something I'm doing wrong or maybe it cant be done... Yet? All I was trying to do is have the sky rotate slowly to make it look like the clouds are moving in the background. I found the parameter to move the sky but, I could not add a keyframe to make this happen. I'm sure I could of grouped the whole scene and did a rotate. However I thought their has to be a better way or might not be able to do it at all. Well yet anyway. Thanks for any answers or suggestions.
OS: Windows 7
Submitted byJay3dfxs
Feedback Tracker Admin
Hi Jay3dfxs,
If you would like to add a keyframe for Sky Rotation, you can use prop Ball_001 to do the following:
● Launch iClone 6, apply embed prop Ball_001
● Navigate to Modify > Material > Texture Settings > Diffuse, load a Sky texture
● On Modify panel, go to Edit > Transform (T) > Scale, check the box for “Lock Scale XYZ”, and then set X, Y and Z to 9999.9, press F on keyboard
● Apply a character (e.g. Heidi), click “Reset (Zero Out)” button under Transform (T) section, press J on keyboard
● Pick prop Ball_001, navigate to Modify > Material > Material Settings, check the box for “2-sided”
● Go to Scene Manager > Prop > Ball_001 , change “All Shadows” to “No Shadows ”
● And then, you can add a keyframe for Sky Rotation on Timeline
Besides, if you would like to modify the size of the prop Ball_001 in case you think it's too small to rotate, you can launch 3DXchange 6 and go to Modify > Transform (T), click “Reset Transform” button, then set the size as you expected.
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