iClone 6
Released in 6.51
Issue 572
Scene window covered in iClone watermarks for no reason
Steps to reproduce the problem.

1. Load a custom project file containing no DRM marked content.
2. Select any item in the scene and delete it.
3. Click on the Undo icon in iClone.

Expected result:

The item is replaced in the scene as it was.

Actual result:

The item is replaced in the scene and the scene window is covered in iClone watermarks

There are 2 screen grabs attached, 1 showing the scene after being loaded in iClone and 1 showing the scene after the delete/undo action.
OS: Windows 8.1
  • No watermark.png
  • Watermark.png
  •  19
  •  14593
Submitted bywires
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Alien Maniac
Further testing shows that a new project does not experience the UNDO problem. Only the Pre -made projects from IC 6.4 have this error.
None of the Pre-made projects (made in IC 6.4) have any items not purchased. 

I made a new project, I saved it. I reloaded it, added new items, hit undo......NO Problems.

Possibly the problem has to do  with IC 6.4 to IC 6.5 conversion of projects only on some computer systems? I use MSI laptops.
Alien Maniac
This problem occurs with any project I load or create new. When I load a new prop and then hit the UNDO button.......watermarks.
I have 2 IC on 2 computers and both do this. It is not due to UN-purchased items.
I tried to reinstall IC but it still has the same problem. 
Both are MSI laptops. GTX970M 
Just opened a G5 character and placed an upper clone cloth on to work on shirt and then clicked the UNDO to revert back to original shirt and had watermarks all over the screen. If I click the REDO the clone cloth is back and the watermarks are gone. 
tom weston
Same here - Downloaded a SketchUp prop from 3D Warehouse, added it to an iClone project, moved and resized it, hit 'undo' - Watermark appears.
To me the watermark  appeared strangely only with template of virtual studio1 in menu project when i would delete a prop. Then i  installed again it from my account and now the watermark appear immediately. Note: ONLY with template virtual studio1 in MENU PROJECT and NOT in prop of virtual studio1 of menu SET. Sorry for my english.
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