Character Creator 4
Not Reproducible
Issue 8870
SSS Shader becomes solid black on specific body when playing animation -toggling on smooth mesh by subdivision removes the error
A couple issues that might be connected to the same problem.

1. It took a long while to discover what might be making the body and arm materials render black during animation playback. This issue is also present in iC8. Enabling smooth mesh be subdivision seems to correct the render but isn't a favorable solution.

2. My character still has extra materials for no explanation. If I add a texture to the CC4 created duplicate material "Head_03" and disable the opacity of the original head, you will see the head becomes invisible (there is no additional mesh).

The only thing I can think of as to why there are additional materials is that when I was creating the character from scratch was that when I was creating the body before the rigging process, I sent all the subtools of the body parts individually (head, body, arms, legs, eyes etc) and then labeled each of the meshes and materials in CC4 then merged them. Since CC4's weld option didn't seem to be available for my merged character parts I then exported the merged mesh as an FBX, then opened it with 3DCoat's PPP paint mode where it allowed me to weld the verts. The correct number of materials were showing in 3DCoat and I then exported it to akeytsu to be rigged.

After rigging in akeytsu and examining the ability and skin weight quality to do animations, I then exported it rigged to open in CC4.

When I imported it into CC4 there were suddenly duplicated materials that have no purpose and should not exist.

Later when I changed the original materials that did belong from PBR to SSS, all parts of the character's body except for the head rendered black when I pressed play.

It took a long time to discover a connection and it seems that smooth mesh by subdivision is somehow related because when enabled and I press play, the SSS shader renders correctly.

As for why only the head is not effected, the only thing that comes to mind is your cloth tracking system which allows cloth on the face like beards to conform to the shape of facial expressions is also somehow connected.
OS: Windows 10
  •  12
  •  803
Submitted byAscensi
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fixed the duplicate materials/meshes sharing the same group ID that might have been created due to GoZ not having the *cache* cleared. (should be made to be automatic with successful import)
So I've updated the character once again, fixed the duplicate materials/meshes sharing the same group ID that might have been created due to GoZ not having the mesh cleared.  Even though I fixed/removed phantom materials, the lower body still renders black unless smooth mesh by subdivision is enabled on it.

What I did to fix the materials: I exported my character to FBX, opened in 3DCoat and deleted the phantom material or mesh extras then exported to FBX.  I then had to import the boneless FBX into CC4 and export without embedding media, then import that FBX into akeytsu and used the update "skinned mesh feature" by selecting the body mesh on the skinned character and selecting the replacement mesh using CTRL then press the Update skinned mesh button. Updating made me lose the blend shapes/facial expressions but luckily I exported my presets and it worked on the same mesh when I imported the updated version in CC4.

So the only issue now is the black rendering in SSS and potentially the flipped breast bones upon characterization. My updated character doesn't need those bones so I deleted them in akeytsu.
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This issue would be very problematic and time consuming for others if they had no awareness that it's happening to them so i recommend that when using GoZ that it has a checkbox next to the relink option, or does this by default that when it successfully relinks and replaces the subtool that it clears the GoZ cache   I think this should be an essential default function but maybe have a checkbox for others to decide to clear it?
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