Character Creator 3
Not Reproducible
Issue 6936
Request to join Character Creator beta to test displacement & maybe have content ready for the Marketplace on release
Hi I've got several types of characters that use displacement in different ways. Currently CC3 topology is not compatible with displacement - there are holes that are created while I paint in 3rd party programs. I know the issue looks like it might be resolved in your next gen character base CC3 Base+ but I'd like to test it and give feedback before you submit it to the market. I'm a power user I own iClone and CC3 pipeline, have found serious bugs in the past and have created shared workflows that prevent Iray, Indigo and Iclone from crashing or not being able to generate proper render files and lastly I'm a CCD member.

I've attached an image of example character that I'm working on, you've already seen my Grizzly bear this is a different character
OS: Windows 10
  •  15
  •  3910
Submitted byAscensi
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I can normally paint over UV seams, that's not the problem! it's the incompatible topology in key areas!! and to prove this I've attached a video showing displacement painted over UV seams.

If they don't show correct/show detached in CC3 it's because it's looking for more resolution which can simply be fixed with smooth mesh by subdivision -not tessellation, tessellation can provide additional detail only if below level 3 in the material settings.
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