Cartoon Animator 4
Issue 7846
Release PSDs for Campus Hero Characters
Clothing PSD files for the Campus Hero Characters should be released to those who purchase both the Campus Hero pack and the Actor Dressing Room Pack.

This is so clothing from the characters in the Campus Hero pack can easily be combined with the clothing from the Actor Dressing Room pack. That way, it is worth the investment to have both packs.

Right now, it seems difficult to combine the clothing from both packs because a selection has to be made and the styles cut and pasted into different layers for the Campus Hero Pack.
OS: Windows 10
  •  1
  •  1048
Submitted byDeborah Hearne
Deborah Hearne
I also wanted to add that having the PSD's makes it easier to create custom characters.  It would be easier to edit the color of the components if the PSDs were available.

This was what customer service told me when I asked about this:

Sorry, we usually don't directly provide the PSD file for contents that need to be purchase. The actor dressing room is a special case, we can only suggest you use the launch to PSD editor for editing this content.