Issue 8437
Reflections fails
System Config :
Latest windows 10 and all Updates in the drivers / Updates / 64 GB Ram 3080ti 12GB 2x 46" Displays /
Hey RL,
first off all a BIG thanks for releasing IC 8 und CC 4. There is many nices on....and we love your work and can,t await to get the hands on it...Great work ...please Go on with it. Many Many thanks for this nice piece off software
BUT as ...and i am afraid to say that.....there are MANY Bugs ( and some Features are as we have feared are in early beta or not ready to be used)
first the ReflectionShader.....please see pictures.....if i move the cam the reflection disappears or show up many times......physical not correct.....( I know it is a fake mirrorshader ) but it is useless if such errors came up
Submitted by2IDs media:design
May 12, 2022