iClone 7
Issue 7314
Redundant & New Labels with no meaning cause confusion and strain, makes it less intuitive/functional
Hi Devs, just giving feedback on the Smart Gallery content uploader which brought a lot of confusion and stress about how I could use it in the future for my uploads, I was feeling reluctant to use it thinking I would make a mistake or where do things go etc why? because of redundant labels and new meanings which don't make sense/belong.

As a Content Developer using the new content uploader in the Smart Gallery I highly believe you should change some wording for uploaders. To upload, in the item or pack panel the word "custom" should be relabeled to "Content Upload" or "upload" because you have redundancy, the word custom is also *in the custom folder.

The area of Developer Tools such as uploading should be called " Developer Tools" and have a 'Resources" area to provide access to links or a downloads of pdf of dev documentation & templates also for Cartoon Animator if that gets its own smart gallery.

If the Developer title pertains to only Content Developed by the user then it would be beneficial to name it as "Uploaded" because right now you're giving the word developer new meanings (developer means uploaded?) yes that does sound strange.

It would be handy to have a listing of Developer tutorials under a fold out A-Z hierarchy and Sub Hierarchy with labels like physics, materials, morphs, animation, 3DXchange -it keeps everything organized, easy to find and hopefully less questions for Reallusion. This same system could be added as a new tab in the content manager and would present itself very professional, people will learn faster having everything all in one place rather than all over the website, forums, youtube etc.

The area "Recommend" should not even exist in the developer tools area unless its to examine content that is designed to help reveal developer tips and strategies etc I'd move that above the developer tools area.
OS: Windows 10
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  •  819
Submitted byAscensi