I buyed I clone some Days ago, of course i had to buy Crazy Talk. I payed almost 300 Dollars and it dont work.
I can easylie record sounds in I Clone, but in Crazytalk 8 Pipeline if i want to create an Script it makes that Error Sound, like i have to click something, but nothing appears. If i record out from the Menubar in Animation, it records and the sound is recorded, but when i want to play it it Freeze until I press Escape 100 Times.
By the Way, Even if i Make "Text to Speak its the Same Issue. I can writ and in Preview hear the Sound. But if i press Ok it Stuck again and i can click nothing only this Sound ( The Sound @ 0:13 Düddldööö
Hi Iliketodre4m,
We do find some dialogs will not position it's self to follow the main application in multiple monitors environment.
But for now, you can delete the registry entry for dialog positions to bring them back to the default position.
Please DO NOT try this operation if you do not familiar with the regedit.exe. Get a friend who familiar with the registry operation to help you if necessary.