iClone 7
Issue 5560
Real time VR Support Using Vorpx- no render button needed too see using Vorpx
Hi I've tested both iClone and Character Creator 3 with Vorpx and they partially work. The UI is non existent in VR and taking the HMD off looking at screen the mouse cursor isn't visually stable -keeps hiding.

I've used 3DCoat with Vorpx and the UI does work and maybe the reason is that it might also be using directx. Using the HTC Vive will give everyone the ability to get the in-game perspective while creating but also to help identify and remove artifacts.

One last thing. I brought this idea up with Andrew, the creator of 3Dcoat that it would be additionally amazing to simulate a Fly's eye lenticular overlay over the stage and have a multi camera view & shader create a light field display behind that or apply head tracking to orient the whole stage axis.. personally I don't know what might be more taxing on a system. Here is a clue to what I'm talking about. The person's view would be the head tracking in this video
OS: Windows 10
  •  2
  •  1068
Submitted byAscensi
Ibis Fernandez
vr support for iclone would be amazing.
I just wanted to add that I realize that the Iray plugin will have support for VR but I believe it will be at the expense of delay  - first rendering the scene rather than being able to work with VR consistently.   Ultimately I think that when Iray with VR and Real-time RTX graphic cards Matures with iClone that the current stage view could be "optionally" replaced with constant Iray rendering built in to see full quality in one screen rather than only having the stage and a render window.