iClone 8
Not Reproducible
Issue 9355
Progressive texture loading performance degrade
Heres some data from tests carried out
Progressive texture loading on CPU 30% (After all models loaded) this is the default setting after the 8.2 update
The scene has two clothed characters loaded, with no other assets
Material plus file load for characters skin texture after 7 seconds Iclone then becomes unresponsive for 9 seconds total texture load time 16seconds
Material plus file load for characters Hair texture after 6 seconds clone tehn becomes unresponsive for 8 seconds total texture load time 14 seconds
In both instances the interface indicates that all the textures associated with the character update/refresh. not just the target mesh
Progressive texture loading disabled
Material plus file load for characters skin texture total texture load time 7 seconds
Material plus file load for characters Hair texture total texture load time 3 seconds
in both instances only the texture for the object related to the Material plus file is updated in the viewport
Because the interface freezes during the process of progressive texture loading, and the interface indicates that all associated textures to a character appear to update/refresh
Progressive texture loading adds 9 seconds to a character skin texture load and 11 seconds to a character hair texture load over the original process.
So the claim that you can carry on working while textures load is not true, because the background load indicated by the high CPU load freezes the application until the texture load is complete.
OS: Windows 10
  •  3
  •  393
Submitted byblindman Mar 2, 2023
Feedback Tracker Admin Mar 10, 2023
Hi blindman,

Please send your video to us.
We just want to improve the issue that you mentioned, so any further information will helpful.
Thanks for your help!

blindman Mar 8, 2023
Regardless Stating you cant "find the gap" doesn't alter the Video evidence  I recorded confirming  the data I provided. I can send you the video capture showing the delays between PTL enabled and disabled
Unfortunately its against my security policy to provide system information files  gathered using to third party software, such as that provided in the above link.  Having checked the software in the link it generates txt files that the MSINFO app generates an error when trying to open, and doesnt  display as plain text. Unless you can be more open about what information this utility gathers then for my security, I wont be providing any information gathered by this utility.
Feedback Tracker Admin Mar 3, 2023
Hi blindman,

Thanks for your feedback!
Currently, we didn't find the gap between enable/disable Progressive Texture Loading.
Please go to this page and follow the steps and send the files to us, so that we can identify the issue properly.
Thanks for your help!
