Issue 10718
Possible Bug in CC4 and incorrect Manual
Hello, the CC4 manual is outdated and can give no help on eg: "aging" a characters face.
Skin Gen Premium is installed.
The following may be a bug or should be properly explained for CC4 in the manual.
Start Project->load standard Character->Modify->activate Appaerance Editor
Changing 1 changes the thumbnail in 2 but seems to have no effect on 3 and 4.
No matter of the value in 1, changing sliders in 4 turns out to be the same.
Against the above loading maps manually into 3 seems to work together with 4.
I would expect 3 to change automaticly when changing 1. Pressing "update" above
also has no effect together with changing 1.
Note: No additional Skin Gen Layer has been loaded for this, only the default one.
See included image
Submitted byK_Digital
Aug 11, 2023