Issue 10602
Packager/Verify - problem
I've been selling items since CC3. There everything went without a problem.
In CC4 the Packager/Pack works without any problem, but I have a problem with the Verify tab. Even though I have already uploaded a number of items to the Content Manager via CC4, not a single item is displayed in the Verify folder for checking/downloading, and not in any of the subdirectories. I have checked filters, tried refresh on everything that worked, and reinstalled CC4. Nothing helped.
Do you know where the problem could be?
My items that are on sale are here: But I don't see any uploaded via CC4 in Packager/Verify
(They are only in Packager/Pack, which I prepared and uploaded to Content Manager)
Here is a screenshot
Thank you very much for your help and have a nice day
Martin Reznicek
Submitted byReMark3Dcz
Jun 19, 2023