Hi I would like to suggest some tweaks for exporting to Blender: 1) conform the bones to Blender's rigify without unuseful extra bones in arms and legs; 2) update the Diffuse texture nomenclature to BaseColor. "Diffuse" is a typical behavior of dielectric materials only (metals and liquids do not scatter light in the same way, so the term is improper if we are talking about PBR materials); 3) remove the Specular texture from the export, now obsolete and deprecated in PBR materials with the Metalness-Roughness method; 4) produce the complete set of PBR textures in the export: BaseColor, AmbientOcclusion, Metallic, Roughness, Normal Map (OpenGL), Height, Opacity, SSS, Emission…; 5) export all textures in one folder "Textures" and not in 2 folders and other subfolders, where you go crazy to find them all.