iClone 6
Issue 292
Open up hotkeys
I asked the question in the Technical Forum, but since I didn't get a definitive answer, I'm guessing it doesn't exist. I think it would be nice to be able to assign a hotkey to the joints of an Iclone 6 Character. One think that I don't like about animating in Iclone is the fact that you have to keep selecting joints in the motion puppet tool and then going back to the window to continue animating. It would be nice if there was a way for you to be able to select the joints in a hot key type setup. I would envision it as a either having a screen where you can assign hotkeys to joints or frequently used functions, or even objects so that you can switch back and forth with ease, or a mode you can enter that's just pure animating where you could click to enter this hotkey animation mode and just use single letter hotkeys that you can arrange as you like to the joints, or you could use the Number keypad to select the joints as you assign them. That way you can keep from having to switch back and forth from window to window. I don't know about anyone else, but I like to stay in the viewport as much as possible when it comes to working with animation, I would keep it where you can assign hotkeys to:


Have it where you can save this hotkey layout so that people can create and save their own hotkey layouts that they can take with them from computer to computer. Those people that do like the hotkey setups can create their own workflows to quickly move from character to views to joints while still remaining in the view port. Again, I'm new to Iclone so if this facility already exists, I haven't found it yet.
OS: Windows 10
  •  1
  •  2590
Submitted bywill2power71
Most leisure users/ non-gamers don't care much about hotkeys (or click/time saving)
But a new - freshly arrived or grown up - breed of iCloners do, and will continue to ask for this.

Opening up hotkeys will save RL a lot of wish list white noise, on:

1. Clickiness (most frequent complaint from non-leisure users, which are in the increase as iClone muscles up)

2. User requests to RE-assign one existing hotkey to their own favorite function (selfish unsustainable request)
3. User request for RL to assign a NEW hotkey to a specific, frequently-used FUNCTION (all-encompassing request)

Opening up hotkeys will not disturb existing hotkey-apathetic leisure users
but will add a great deal more speed to typical intermediate-to-advanced CG users and gamer-type.

If RL is concerned about futureproofing and dev tidiness...
Allowing hotkey freedom should not change the way RL narrate their tutorial videos

Pixologic, for example, continue to speak default hotkey in their video tutorials - inspite of ZBrush's insane freedom to customise UI
Side effect, a fun creative subculture of custom UI sharing or 'show me how your re-design and workflow'
Daz Studio has had this for years: Hotkey coupled with custom scripts; a sheer joy for custom UI type users. Their Content Creators LOVE them for it.