iClone 7
Issue 5535
Once again: the ability for the Iclone frame rate to be something other than 60fps.
I work at 24 fps, which is the international standard for projection and playback, and has been since sound was added to film (about 90 years ago). This is impossible in Iclone.

In order to animation at 24fps in Iclone, you must animate in 60fps and then export at 24 fps. This unfortunately means that any key frames are displaced from their original positions by whatever reduction process Iclone uses.

The only other option is to animate at 12 fps (every fifth frame) and let the 24 fps output "print up" and add an Iclone generated "inbetween frames" -- about 2.5 frames between any keys I might set.

Animation requires that keyframes are set where and when the animator requires them, and not at the discretion of the software. And, quite obviously, running Iclone at 60fps means taxing a system harder than necessary if all you need is a 24fps output. If you're that set on providing a 60 fps system, at least include some options: 6fps, 12fps,15fps,24fps,30, 60?

That being said, the ability to output at a various rates (as it is now) is very helpful. It means I can animate at 12fps, and export at 48 fps, for slow-motion effects, and still have the keys fall in the correct locations.
OS: Windows 7
  •  16
  •  7134
Submitted bybexley
12 3 4
I'm doing a trial of iClone... NOW I remember why I left Cartoon Animator for Moho!!! lol... Weird preset framerate!
Yes, I need to export FBX of what I see in iClone to 24fps to integrate with live action and camera tracking. The animation is too short at 24, and the animation/mocap is too slow if output at 60 Fps. I think the computer could do some math to fix this... :-)
Include me in this too. As an animator I'm used to working in 24fps and instinctually know basic timings of body and object movement based on this frae rate. Having to now work at 60 frames means to use math every time to figure out simple things like how long a head turn should be when blocking out animation.

So yes can we add a 24fps option please.
The ability to custom set the Project/Animation Timeline FPS settings is a must!
I use iClone with other softwares and having difficulties with iClone compatibility...
I just wanted to agree with the original poster of this ticket. I believe this is important and lots of others may have come to this ticket and not said anything. It'd be great to work in 24fps (23.976fps, and other frame rates) while we are actually creating our animations, not just in exporting. Every major editing system/animation system including Blender, After Effects, Premiere, Final Cut has this option.
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