I have tested some more. The same error message in the line 80 from RLPy.py. I also get with the examples from the wiki here: https://wiki.reallusion.com/IC_Python_API:RLPy_RIDialog https://wiki.reallusion.com/IC_Python_API:RLPy_RDialogCallback#_init The line is: raise AttributeError("'%s' object has no attribute '%s'" % (class_type.__name__, name)) More dos not happen, the scripts don't work. Tesira
Hi Tesira, Thank you for telling us.I have told this to our RD departments.Thanks. Molly Reallusion
hi Molly, thanks. Maybe also this could help. Two years ago AllanLee has answerd to my crash report: "Hi Tesira, Thank you for reporting this issue. In fact, we have found this problem internally, but we haven't solved it yet. The problem is more complicated, mainly because the function call between C ++ and Python does not allow any exceptions. If there is any wrong code in RL's Callback function, iClone will crash. So I suggest using Try / Expect in the Callback function. We will continue to try to solve this problem. Allen https://forum.reallusion.com/428473/Tesira-is-learning-Phyton-with-iClone?PageIndex=6
Hi Tesira, Thank you for telling me.I will transfer it to our RD. Molly Reallusion
hi Molly, well meantime I have tested again an easy demo script from the wiki, which also crashes iClone. I have posted the result in the forum, that maybe also other can test it. So we can see, if this crashes only happen at my computer or also at others. https://forum.reallusion.com/499281/iClone-crashes-with-Python-scripts Tesira
Hi Tesira, Thank you for you help.You're so nice. Molly Reallusion
Hi Tesira, I will transfer it to our RD department.Thanks. Molly Reallusion